Dr. Aries Cobb: Enhancing Learning With Visuals

Enhancing Learning With Visuals 

Describe the roles that visuals play in learning.

tag: Learning with visuals: visuals, learning


  1. Visuals play an important role in learning. Sometimes teachers face difficulty to make students attentive and involve in learning process. In order to create a congenial atmosphere, teachers should apply various methods, so that learners can be attracted and interested in gaining knowledge skills successfully. Teachers can use different visual aids such as charts, pictures, flash carts, and slides projectors. It is important to integrate visual resources into a classroom because it enhances learning and helps instructors to bring the real world into the classroom. Also, visual aids help students see the immediate meaning and absorb the concepts. Visuals also can help the teachers to clarify and coordinate accurate concepts, and empower them to make learning more concrete, effective, inspirational, and vivid.
    In addition, Rao and Gagie (2006) stated that students with disabilities can get benefits from using visuals. It attracts and holds their attention. Visuals enable students to focus on the message to get the idea. It contributes to reduce the anxiety. Visuals help students to express their thoughts and ideas easily.

    In conclusion, teachers should choose and create effective visual aids to encourage students to learn. The teachers should be well trained in using numerous advanced technical teaching aids to make learning domain comfortable and amicable to reach the students' needs.

    Rao, S. M., & Gagie, B. (2006). Learning through seeing and doing: Visual supports for children with autism. Teaching Exceptional Children, 38(6), 26.

    1. I agree with your statement of teachers should choose and create effective visuals to encourage students to learn. It is one thing to use visuals but it is another to use visuals effectively in order for the students to learn. One just can't be showing pictures all day in the classroom, the visuals have to have purpose.

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    3. http://arwa11115.blogspot.com/2016/10/enhancing-learning-with-visuals.html

  2. In education, visuals for learning content are extremely important. As we continue to discuss learning styles and their importance in driving instruction, visual learners need that extra stimulation to engage themselves in the content. By adding different visual aids to their instruction, educators can ensure that the needs of the student are met. By incorporating different types of visual aids such as pictures, videos, powerpoints, and charts, students who are visual learners can see the information being presented to them in addition to hearing it. As young learners go through school, they need the visual back up from various visual aids to better synthesize the concept and apply it to real world situations which enable them a deeper understanding.
    Educator Jay Cross says it best, “We humans are sight mammals. We learn almost twice as well from images plus words as from words alone. Pictures translate across culture, education levels, and age groups…the richness of the whole picture can be taken in at a glance.” (Hurt, 2012). Studies have also shown that about seventy-five percent of learning is through vision and the more visual the input becomes, the more likely it is to be recognized and recalled. Incorporating visual aids are crucial to giving students the best chance to fully understand and apply what is being taught to them.

    References Hurt, J.(2014). Looking To Learn: Why Visuals Are So Important. Retrieved October 16, 2016, from http://velvetchainsaw.com/2012/03/01/looking-learn-why-visuals-so-important/

    1. I had never heard the phrase of humans are sight mammals, but it makes perfect sense. If I had never used visuals or had teachers that used visuals, I would not know how I could manage. It’s one thing to hear something but to see it and put it in context is another thing. Visuals are so important and I think less people that should know actually know how vital it is to use visuals.

  3. Visuals play a very important part in learning. Visuals are a way that enhance lessons and sometimes they make learning more easier for a child. Visuals are often very beneficial to visual -spatial learners. Visual spatial learners as identified by Howard Gardner are learners that comprehend maps and other types of graphical information. (Darling, 2010)
    Not only can visuals be introduced to visual-spatial learners but it is important for teachers in general to attempt to visuals to teach the curriculum. Some students learn better by seeing material opposed to words just being thrown at them. Using visuals also adds in the differentiation piece that most efficient and effective lessons need. Students don’t have to imagine in their own heads what something may look like or imagine a scenery. The imagery can already be ready for them and ready to be presented. This can cut down some of the processing time that it takes for children to process things. Instead of wondering what something may look like in order to understand it, they can see it and go ahead and dive deeper into the comprehension piece of what their seeing.
    Visuals can be a picture, video, or a slideshow. I find it amazing how many visuals can be found using the Internet alone and how people can create images to depict what they want to depict.
    In conclusion, visuals are an essential piece to a differentiated and individualized classroom.
    Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). Performance Counts: Assessment Systems that Support High-Quality Learning . Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.

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  6. There is no doubt that visuals are important to the enhancement of students learning. By using visual aids students see how ideas are connected and realize how information can be grouped and organized. With visual learning, new concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood when they are linked to prior knowledge.

    From the perspective of cognitive psychology, it is well known that graphical thinking is one of the strategies for enhancing an individual's memory, due to visual images making the abstract more concrete and enabling learners to explain complex information simply (Rakes, 1999).

    These visuals helps students organize and analyze information. They can use diagrams to display large amounts of information in ways that are easy to understand . By using these aids students integrate new knowledge and think critically.

    In conclusion,research tells us that the majority of students in a regular classroom need to see information in order to learn it. Which emphasize the important of using visuals in ordre the enhancement of student learning.


    University of Pennsylvania (2009). Visual Learners Convert Words To Pictures In The Brain And Vice Versa, Says Psychology Study. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 10, 2011

    Constantinidou, F. and Baker, S. (2002). Stimulus modality and verbal learning performance in normal aging. Brain and Language, 82(3), 296–311.

  7. Visuals are highly important when it comes to learning. There are a lot of different learning methods which teachers should apply in their teaching in order to interest different types to learning styles. Visual learning is definitely one of them. There are various visual aids for teacher to use in their classroom: they can play videos, show pictures, use slide shows, charts, powerpoint presentations, etc. All of these can help student learn because they can actually see what is being taught to them. It really enchances learning because hearing words is abstract, whereas, visuals are concrete and therefore easier to be remembered.

    Visual learning can also decrease learning time and improve comprehension. According to a study, visual learning plays an important role in the development of individuals, it promotes higher order of thinking skills and abilities.
    In summery, in order to have an effective lesson, teacher should include visual learning in their teaching because it makes learning much more meaningful for students and it meets their needs.
    Dhanapal, S., Kanapathy, R., & Mastan, J. (2014). A study to understand the role of visual arts in the teaching and learning of science. Asia-Pacific Forum On Science Learning & Teaching, 15(2), 1-25.

    1. What is the best way to integrate visuals into the lessons?
    2. Which visual aid do you like the most?
    3. Is visual learing more efficiant?

  8. Students tend to learn better when a visual component is present. This also applies to predominantly auditory and kinesthetic learners.

    Ideally, students develop visual literacy, where they hone the ability to accurately interpret and create visual messages. They accomplish this through the process of decoding and encoding visual information.

    Decoding occurs when students correctly interpret and create meaning from visuals. Younger learners under the age of 12, tend to decode images more literally and by section. Older students are apt to assimilate meaning from whole scenes. Regardless of the age group, simpler images complement better visual learning.

    Encoding refers to students creating visuals. This can occur via presentation software, including PowerPoint and Keynote. Other visuals include pictures, drawings, graphs, charts, posters and cartoons.

    It's important to note that students from different cultures often interpret images based on their cultural background.

    Based upon research outcomes, the effective use of visuals can decrease learning time, improve comprehension, enhance retrieval, and increase retention (Kouyoumdjian, 2012).

    When students create visuals, they make concrete references for ideas and can motivate learners through better engagement.Visuals also complement auditory and written information, brining it to life.


    Kouyoumdjian, H. (2012), (July). Learning through visuals: Visual imagery in the classroom. Psychology Today (36) (3).

  9. Students tend to learn better when a visual component is present. This also applies to predominantly auditory and kinesthetic learners.

    Ideally, students develop visual literacy, where they hone the ability to accurately interpret and create visual messages. They accomplish this through the process of decoding and encoding visual information.

    Decoding occurs when students correctly interpret and create meaning from visuals. Younger learners under the age of 12, tend to decode images more literally and by section. Older students are apt to assimilate meaning from whole scenes. Regardless of the age group, simpler images complement better visual learning.

    Encoding refers to students creating visuals. This can occur via presentation software, including PowerPoint and Keynote. Other visuals include pictures, drawings, graphs, charts, posters and cartoons.

    It's important to note that students from different cultures often interpret images based on their cultural background.

    Based upon research outcomes, the effective use of visuals can decrease learning time, improve comprehension, enhance retrieval, and increase retention (Kouyoumdjian, 2012).

    When students create visuals, they make concrete references for ideas and can motivate learners through better engagement.Visuals also complement auditory and written information, brining it to life.


    Kouyoumdjian, H. (2012), (July). Learning through visuals: Visual imagery in the classroom. Psychology Today (36) (3).
