Sunday, October 30, 2016

Aries Cobb: Advantage of Audio Books: The Rainbow Fish

Audio books are ideal for teaching young children reading skills.  Youtube offers a list of audiobooks that are free to users.  Young children are able to view the pictures, listen to the words, and share in the reading of audio books to learn language skills.

The advantage of Audio Books:
1. Students are introduced to books above their reading level,
2. Model reading with good annunciation,
3. Teach listening skills,
4. Introduce different genres to the novice reader,
5. Introduce new vocabulary and higher level thinking skills,
6. Introduction to the English language and grammar skills,
7. Provide a read-aloud model,
8. Highlight the beginning, middle, and end of the text

(Baskin & Harris, 1995, p. 376)

By Dr. Aries Cobb

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